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Lawrence Township Public Schools

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Dear Lawrence families, 

We are so excited to continue our rollout of TalkingPoints, our two-way multilingual messaging system. 

As a reminder, through the platform, families can quickly and easily send and receive messages from teachers and school staff from an app on their phone or from TalkingPoints on the web. The central district office may also send you important reminders and updates (think snow days)! 

Messages sent through TalkingPoints can be automatically translated into a variety of home languages; it uses the language that you selected as your home language in Genesis.


If you need to change the language, please email


The app also pulls your child(ren)’s schedule and teacher information from Genesis, conveniently keeping all of this information in one location. 


For more information, view the TalkingPoints for Families App Tutorial or check out the TalkingPoints for Families FAQ.

Below are the links to the TalkingPoints app for families in both the
Apple Store for iPhones and Google Play for Androids! 



Or sign up on the TalkingPoints website here.


If you need to change the language you receive communicaitons, please email