LTPS Mobile App
The LTPS mobile app is a free tool that will help you stay informed about what's happening in your schools throughout the year
- View news stories
- View calendar info
- Access important phone numbers
- Receive alerts
- See lunch menus
- View grades
To download the free app:
- Visit the iOS App Store or Google Play.
- Search for Lawrence Township Public Schools
- Follow the steps indicated for download
- Settings: You can select your language preference in Settings. The default is English, but there are more than 60 other languages you can choose. **Please be aware that these automated translations might contain inaccuracies. The Settings icon is also where you go to follow additional schools.
- Student Info: By choosing this icon and logging in with your Parent PIN or Student ID and password, you can access individual student information such as classes, grades, attendance, meal balances and more. Don't know your login information?
- Please note: In order to login to the app, your password must meet our new complex password requirements. Passwords must be between 8 and 10 characters long with at least 1 capital letter and 1 number. If your password does not meet requirements, reset it and wait 24 hours before attempting to login again.
- Push notifications: Click into this area to view and customize your notifications. By default, everyone who downloads the app will receive district notifications and will get a “push” alert when there is a new message. You can choose to receive notifications from individual schools as well; just click the Settings icon. If you have logged via Student Info (see above), you will also have the option to set up push notifications regarding student grades, attendance and more.
- News: By default you will receive the district’s news, Facebook and Twitter feeds. You can customize the feeds you receive by clicking the Settings icon in the upper right.
- Calendar: By default you receive information from the district events calendar. You can customize the feeds you receive by clicking the Settings icon in the upper right. When you click into an individual calendar event, you will have the option to add that event to your device's calendar.
Other features
- Directory: Here, you will find phone and email contacts for each school and for the district office. Want to contact a teacher or other staff member? Just click the "Staff" button and search for their name.
- Activity Stream: This feed consolidates all news and social media updates in one place.
- Tip Line: Share your safety concerns via the tip line. Any information submitted using the form goes directly to our school administrators, who will use discretion and keep as much information confidential as possible to ensure the issue is addressed. This tip line is only monitored during school hours. Please call 911 in case of an emergency.
- Meal Menus: See what’s on the menu at our schools.
- Resources: Find links to important reference information, like school hours, delays, registration, student handbooks and more!
- Facebook, Twitter and Photos: Go directly to the district’s social media sites, or browse recently-posted pictures.
To customize your news
- Select the News icon
- By default, you will see all the district level news feeds
- Select the "Wheel" in the top right-hand corner
- Select which school(s) you wish to follow
- Choose which type of news you want to follow
- Select "Back" and then "Done"
- Now your customized selection will display in your News Section
To customize your calendar:
- Select the Calendar icon
- Select the "Wheel" in the top right-hand corner
- Select which school(s) you wish to follow
- Select "Done"
- Your App is now customized