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Lawrence Township Public Schools

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Before & After School Programs

Before & After School Programs


The Capital Area YMCA is NOW registering students and hiring staff for the BEFORE AND AFTER CARE Programs for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

BEFORE CARE: 7:10AM – SCHOOL STARTS - Available in the following schools:

  1. Ben Franklin
  2. Eldridge Park
  3. Lawrence Intermediate
  4. Lawrenceville Elementary
  5. Slackwood 

AFTER CARE: Until End of School – 6:00PM (all schools)

Holiday Care is also available.

Register now and save your spot!

Would you like to work with children? Join the Y team at

The Capital Area YMCA provides an aftercare program where students can finish homework, participate in enrichment activities and make lifelong friends.  Parents interested in participating in the Capital Area YMCA’s Before School or After School Program should contact us for registration information.



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Eric Bullock, COO, YMCA

Capital Area YMCA - 609-599-9622 ext. 303 

You can visit our website at Capital Area YMCA - Lawrenceville Before and Afterschool