Business Office
Thomas Eldridge
Business Administrator/Board Secretary(609) 671-5420
Cellular (Emergency contact) (609) 649-9109Note: In emergencies, call the Lawrence Township Police Department at 911. The Lawrence Township Police Department has access to all administrators during emergencies.
Jill Posluszny
Secretary to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
(609) 671-5420Responsibilities: Board agendas, Public records, Budget information, Audit information, Official minutes, Board policies, Appointments with the Business Administrator, Distribution of Bid Specification and Bid Tabulations, primary contact for the Business Division and for any of the following departments as necessary
Gerald Truehart
Asst. Business Administrator
(609) 671-5416Responsibilities: General Fund, Grants, Debt service, Supervision of Payroll, Benefits, Purchasing and Accounts Payable, Banking, Internal controls.
Jessica Pollak
Internal Accountant
(609) 671-5417Responsibilities: Cash reconciliations(all funds and accounts), Student accounts, Internal audits, Internal controls reporting directly to the business administrator.
Payroll & Benefits
Ed Black
Head Payroll/Benefits Coordinators
(609) 671-5436Responsibilities: All payroll, benefits, pension topics, including but not limited payroll processing and disbursement, payroll taxes and withholdings, pension processing.
Jennifer Mahoney
Bookkeeper Payroll and Food Service
(609) 671-5435Responsibilities: Time sheets, Check disbursement
Lisa Ireland
Purchasing Bookkeeper
(609) 671-5413Responsibilities: Purchase orders, Purchasing compliance concerns, Vendor resources, Affirmative Action files, Vendor credentials, Student Activities
Accounts Payable
Mary Jane Pirone
Accounts Payable Bookkeeper(609) 671-5412
Responsibilities: Vendor payables, Invoice processing, Vendor affidavits, Check processing
Student Registrations
Registrar(609) 671-5417
Responsibilities: Registration of new and transfer students
Jose Santos
Director of Facilities and Property Management
(609) 671-5502
(609) 847-9605 CellResponsibilities: Building repairs, Capital projects, Building use (rentals), Cleaning, Grounds maintenance, Energy management, Emergency management, Supervision of all maintenance and custodial personnel
Kathleen Brooks
Secretary to Facilities Department
(609) 671-5501Responsibilities: Staffing, primary contact for the Facilities Department and Building use for Recreation Department
Stephen Tkacs
Maintenance Supervisor
(609) 671-5503 Office
(609) 455-0613 Cell
Matthew Connolly
Safety and Compliance Officer
(609) 671-5504 Office
(609) 203-1219 CellResponsibilities: Emergency Response Plan, Facilities repairs, Chemical hygiene, Asbestos management, Hazardous Communications Standards, Indoor Air Quality, Fire and Security alarms and communications, Emergency management, Safety inspections, Safety investigations, Safety reporting, Safety training, Integrated Pest Management, Blood Borne Pathogens and contact for assisting with matters similar to those listed here.