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Lawrence Township Public Schools

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Destinations After School Program

Destinations is an extended day program that provides eligible at-risk K – 12th grade students with extended time to work on math and/or literacy concepts and skills.Destination teachers use a variety of hands-on and computer-aided instructional tools to supplement the general education curriculum.  It is extremely important that parents, teachers and students understand that the primary purpose of the Destinations program is to provide extended time for skill development and alternate experiences that enhance the student’s academic success. 

The Destinations program is designed to build a child’s skill level and repertoire of problem-solving strategies such that s/he will be successful at grasping new concepts; making connections between what they learned and the real world; and applying their skills and strategies to complete classwork, homework, tests, quizzes, projects and other assessments. 

Many of our Destinations teachers are also our Academic Support Instruction (ASI) teachers who work with at-risk students during the school day.  They are knowledgeable about the general education curriculum, skillful at recognizing student difficulties with learning tasks, and adept at working with the general education teacher to provide ongoing differentiation, adaptation and modification of the general education curriculum, instruction and assessment. 

For more information:

  • Elementary School Destinations Stars - please contact:
  • Lawrence Intermediate School Destinations - please contact Sharin Rello at 609-671-5530 or
  • Lawrence Middle School Destinations - please contact Mindy Milavsky at 609-671-5520 or
  • Lawrence High School Destinations - please contact Damian Bariexca at 609-671-5510 or