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Lawrence Township Public Schools

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Affirmative Action / Comprehensive Equity Plan

District Affirmative Action Officer, Jeanne Muzi, Director of Student Achievement, Equity and Opportunity

District Equity Goals

Goal 1: Increase access and opportunity for all students with regard to academics and participation in extracurricular activities by identifying and removing barriers. 

Goal 2: Recruit and retain a high-quality, diverse staff by auditing any potential biases and barriers that exist in our current interviewing, hiring and mentoring processes.

Goal 3: Create a safe environment where stakeholders can feel comfortable discussing differences and issues as they arise by embracing multiculturalism, social justice, and culturally responsive teaching.


Comprehensive Equity Plan

According to N.J.A.C. 6A:7, Managing for Equality and Equity in Education, which outlines responsibilities for achieving and maintaining compliance with state and federal laws governing equity in educational programs, all school districts, including charter schools and renaissance school projects are mandated to develop a three-year Comprehensive Equity Plan (CEP). The responsibility of each board of education and board of trustees of every public school district, charter school and renaissance school project in New Jersey is to identify and correct all discriminatory and inequitable policies, programs, practices and conditions within or affecting schools. The role of the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is to ensure that each district, charter school and renaissance school project complies with equality and equity requirements, and to provide guidelines to accomplish that result.  The Comprehensive Equity Plan enables school districts, charter schools and renaissance school projects to demonstrate compliance with all applicable laws, codes, and regulation.,


To file an Affirmative Action Grievance, please download, fill out, and remit the interactive form to the Affirmative Action Officer in accordance with the Affirmative Action Grievance Procedures.


For more information please follow the links below:

LTPS Comprehensive Equity Plan