Resources for Internet Safety for Children
Disclaimer: Links and descriptions of the following websites were provided by the websites from which they were taken. LTPS is providing this list but does not endorse any particular website and is not responsible for its content.
You can help your child become a responsible, ethical digital citizen with healthy online relationships. To do that, you’ll use the same successful parenting skills that you’re already using at home. Resilient digital citizens recognize and seek out the 3Cs—appropriate contact, content, and conduct—in all digital settings (e.g., iPods,instant messaging, chat, computer games, game consoles, cell phones, text messaging, webcams)
Communication is an effective tool for parents and guardians when helping their children avoid the dangers that exist on the Internet. NetSmartz provides on- and offline learning activities for parents to facilitate discussions with their children and teens about Internet safety. Visit "Parent FAQ" to learn more about how and why parents should use NetSmartz.
Cybersafety for Kids Online: A Parents' Guide
From the National Crime Prevention Council
NetSafe’s unrelenting focus on improving online safety and security outcomes for internet users.
GetNetWise is a public service to help ensure that families have safe and constructive online experiences, whether educational or entertaining. Content includes detailed safety guides, reviews of Internet safety products, and more.
Federal Trade Commission - Protecting Kids Online
A website created by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other government agencies helps parents and teachers steer kids safely through the online and mobile-phone worlds.